Disk No: 1605 Disk Title: Directory eXtended PC-SIG Version: S2.64 Program Title: Directory eXtended Author Version: 2.64 Author Registration: $49.95 Special Requirements: DOS 2.x-4.x. Give yourself more power and freedom in managing your files operating totally from the DOS command line. DIRECTORY EXTENDED (DX) runs under Topview, DesqView, DoubleDos, and the OS/2 Compatibility Option, and is compatible with most networks. From it, you can easily select one file or multiple files, including hidden and system files if desired, which you may then copy, move, delete, rename, compare or append with another file. You can change a file's attribute or its date, and check if a group of files can fit on a disk. Normal DOS files, as well as those within an archive (.ARC) file, can be directly sorted by name, extension, size, date, or file attributes. DX can perform a CRC or checksum test on your files to detect defects or alterations in files. DX commands can be incorporated into batch files. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.